7th International COSMOS Workshop

at Hillsborough, Northern Ireland

24-26 September 2024




In Hillsborough:


Arthurs is blocked for conference participants and book via email as the website will show no availability.
Arthur’s Boutique Guesthouse, 4 Main Street, Hillsborough BT26 6AE, within walking distance from AFBI, Price £120 per night B&B, mention CRNS when booking via email at: hello at




Lisnacurran Country House,  6 Listullycurran Rd, Dromore BT25 1RB, 6 km from workshop venue in the countryside, approximately £10 for a taxi to workshop venue. Price £85 per night B&B, mention CRNS when booking. (Same owners and contact as Arthur’s)

Lisburn is the nearest town to Royal Hillsborough village and is within a short (~15 minute) taxi ride.


Premier Inn, 136-144 Hillsborough Road, Lisburn, BT27 5QY (8km from workshop venue)


Haslem Hotel, Lisburn Square, Lisburn, BT28 1TS, in the center of Lisburn, 10km from workshop venue. Price £136.00 per night, Single occupancy B&B, mention CRNS when booking


How to get to Hillsborough